
Showing posts with label Joomla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joomla. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2008

Retrieving menu parameters joomla

I'm more or less a beginner developer in the Joomla world but have been writing code for the better part of my life. I've been looking through Google (honest, I've looked on *every page* it suggested.. or.. naah) and various forums, and components, and so on. After a while, I put the pieces together by studying source code and asking stupid questions here.

So, with that over dramatic intro, here's what I wanted to say:

OK, I create parameters for my front-end component and populate them when I add a menu link to my component; how do I retrieve them *in* my component code?

$menu = new mosMenu( $database );
$menu->load( $Itemid );
$params = new mosParameters( $menu->params );

Monday, July 28, 2008

Simple Image Gallery For Joomla

Today I'm publish my content at . In this month I'm Issues articles about Island and Beach. This month the title of Tips magazine is "Top 10 amazine Islands" inside magazine to talk about 10 Koa in south of Thailand.
Tops 10 amazing Islands is below

01 Kho Kham

02 Koh Sai Khao

03 Koh Nang Yuan

04 Koh Wua Talap

05 Koh Similan

06 Koh Khai, Koh Thap, Koh Mo

07 Koh Phi Phi

08 Koh Muk

09 Koh Khai

10 Koh Hin Ngam

Inside my articles I need to put image of 10 Koa then I search module gallery for joomla 1.0.15 and I found Simple Gallery it easy to use.
After you download simple image gallery from :
then login to administrator page. and click install plugin.
enable simple image gallery plugin.
in article insert {gallery}sub_foder{/gallery}

Simple image gallery can config 3 option to show image.
1. spacific image that to show.
2. sub foder in image/stories such as I caret kao_phi_phi foder in image/stories when use simple image gallery {gallery}kao_phi_phi{/gallery}
3. use description below image to create imagelist.txt in foder image certain

for more document : simple image gallery